This interceptor invalidates http session based on the type of operation it is in. There's three type of operations:-

  • NextRequest - This causes the interceptor to invalidate the session in the next comming request where this interceptor is present in the interceptor stack. This interceptor mark this in the http session using a key determined by the key attribute of this interceptor
  • Now - This causes this interceptor to invalidate the session at the end of this interceptor's interception
  • NoOperation - This causes this interceptor to basically do nothing. It is here such that users could have this interceptor in their default stack and still allows it to do nothing


  • type - indicate the operation of this interceptor, valid values are 'NextRequest', 'Now' and 'NoOperation' See description above for more information.
  • key - this is the http session key used by the interceptor to mark the situation whereby the next comming request with this interceptor present in the interception stack, it will invalidate the http session.

Extending the Interceptor

No intended extension points.


<action name="logout" ... >
	<intereptor-ref name="sessionInvalidate">
	    <param name="type">Now</param>
 <action name="sayByeByeNextRequestWillHaveSessionLost" ... >
     <interceptor-ref name="sessionInvalidate">
     	<param name="type"<NextRequest</param>
 <!-- This is the next request, "sessionInvalidate"  will find the marker inserted
         by the action above and invalidate the session -->
 <!-- The type="NoOperation" is just there so that the type is a valid one, and 
        we don't get a warning log meessage -->        
 <action name="nextRequest" ... >
 	<interceptor-ref name="sessionInvalidate">
 		<param name="type">NoOperation</param>